Friday 24 June 2011


When thinking about semiotics i can't help but think what semiotics is and how it evolves around us and every day life, its a study of signs that we use on a daily basis to regognize objects films and human behaviour if you like, the study of signs that work in a certain way to creat meaning. The part that intrested me was the diffrence between connotation and denotation and what purpuse they have in semiotics, one is what you see and the other is what would be sugested when looking at it and what purpose it has being ther. For example

Connotation: secondary meaning of a word or expression in addition to its explicit or primary meaning: A possible connotation of " sports car" sporty, terrofying, scray, fast, sexy, expensive, small.

Denotation: four wheels, a stering wheel and exhaust, maybe even push it a bit and call it "a means of transportaion"

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